How AI is Transforming IT Ops at William Hill

William Hill shares how AI and machine learning play a massive role in self-healing and the transformation that is taking place. Five years ago, companies would not be willing to even trust machines to start to make that decisional data. Today, it’s absolutely key to get visibility of all the piece of the jigsaw before making decisions on what can affect critical business services. AI helps analyze that metric explosion and make sense of it, because humans are limited by that. Not just...

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How AI is Transforming IT Ops at William Hill

William Hill shares how AI and machine learning play a massive role in self-healing and the transformation that is taking place. Five years ago, companies would not be willing to even trust machines to start to make that decisional data. Today, it’s absolutely key to get visibility of all the piece of the jigsaw before making decisions on what can affect critical business services. AI helps analyze that metric explosion and make sense of it, because humans are limited by that. Not just understanding what the root cause of the problem is, but actually processing all this data coming through.

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