SaaSID announces Cloud Application Manager 2.0

New dashboard provides CIOs with ‘single pane of glass’ view of Web application use for compliance.

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NextiraOne UK invests €1M in ‘Smart-Tasking’ Managed Services

Investment by NextiraOne UK will enhance resources and solutions for innovative and forward-thinking Managed Services.

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VMware’s VMworld starts to roll – with SDDC the goal

It’s the big virtualiser’s annual bash this week, with Software Defined Datacentres and what you can do with them, as the central theme.

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Getting DR in the cloud

VMworld 2013: Here is an early contender in the race to launch new products at VMworld. Zerto’s Virtual Replication system has been enhanced for better Disaster Recovery

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CSW, and why `services’ make cloud so different

Cloud Services World Editor, Martin Banks, on what is different about CSW, and why the growth of cloud services makes its appearance important

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The combined solution provides increased speed, performance, and deployment flexibility across...
Company will continue to be based in Toronto, led by executives that established Cogeco Peer 1 as a...
The Active Archive Alliance says that IBM has joined the organization, which promotes modern...
New technologies double down on vision to enable customers to ‘build anything, deploy...
UK mobile virtual network operator, giffgaff, chooses AWS to help accelerate innovation and put...
Use of ARM processors set to reduce cost of data centre and cloud operations.
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Solve 2015: London - Andy Williams, Rackspace

Solve London - How Great Support Matters in a SaaS World.

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