Arrow supports the channel community with ArrowSphere xSP.
Read MoreTrend Micro study reveals UK businesses’ approach and attitudes to wearables.
Read MoreGlobal buyers of cloud applications cite cost, innovation and agility as reasons for adoption, according to a recent survey by Gartner, Inc. In May and June 2014, Gartner conducted a survey across 10 countries in four regions to examine organisations' adoption and deployment of cloud services across SaaS, infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS). The countries included within the 2014 survey were the US, Brazil, Mexico, the UK, Germany, France, China, India, South...
Read MoreThe emerging trend of large organisations entering into "third generation" IT outsourcing contracts shows that significant lessons have been learnt from the problems associated with the first generation and second generation approaches of the past 20 years.
Read MoreSolarWinds has released the results of its Information Security Confidence Survey, which explored IT professionals' confidence in their organisations' security measures and processes. The survey found that while confidence is notably high, likely the result of several key factors, widespread adherence to security best practices is lacking and significant, damaging attacks continue, potentially indicating this confidence is a false sense of security.
Read MoreHuge market growth opportunity for cloud solutions.
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