Cabinet locking - latest

EMKA is proud of the ‘innovative’ new IP65 swinghandle system for cabinets and enclosures – paired with the recently launched 1121 precision rod control module – the 1325 swinghandle takes modular flexibility to a new level in this market. Designed specifically for electrical/electronic cabinets the stylish 1325 enables lock selection even after installation with a complete range of inserts to match common industry requirements.

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Node4 facilitates 20% growth year-on year for leading software company, Legend

A leading UK technology company providing leisure management software and other technical services to the health clubs and leisure centre markets has improved its efficiency and recorded substantial year-on-year growth since partnering with Node4.

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Data-centre Tier Classifications and their impact on UPS power

When decision-makers contemplate data-centre projects involving tens or even hundreds of millions of pounds, they must have an absolutely reliable way of assessing how their installation will perform. For large organisations depending on high volume online transactions, the highest possible data processing availability becomes the dominating requirement. Such organisations typically aspire to an availability of 99.999%, often referred to as ‘Five-Nines’. Other applications, with...

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The software-enabled professional and managed services company to lead the migration of one of the...
EPIX, the second largest non-commercial, truly neutral and independent IP traffic exchange node in...
Survey carried out in partnership with Cloud Industry Forum reveals need to enhance support for...
According to a recently published report from Dell’Oro Group, global data center capex is on...
Partnership enables businesses to benefit from fast, flexible, and high-performance connectivity...
Lemongrass, the leader in helping enterprises migrate and run their SAP systems on Amazon Web...
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Equinix Insider - White Ops President & COO, Eddie Schwartz

Eddie has over 25 years experience in information security, including recent work as the CISO of RSA, the Security Division of EMC, and Co-Founder/CSO of NetWitness.

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