RSA bekämpft mit Big-Data-Analysen Online-Bedrohungen in Echtzeit

RSA, die Sicherheitssparte von EMC, hat heute die neue Version 4.0 von RSA Silver Tail vorgestellt. Damit können Unternehmen Aktivitäten auf Webseiten besser darstellen und normales Nutzungsverhalten von potenziellen Angriffen unterscheiden. Sicherheitsteams differenzieren schnell zwischen Freund und Feind, spüren verdächtige Web Sessions und Gefahren durch mobile Applikationen in Echtzeit auf und können sie dann gezielt bekämpfen

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Nottingham Building Society strengthens security

Varonis has detailed how Nottingham Building Society is using Varonis DatAdvantage and DataPrivilege software to keep its critical and sensitive data secure. The Nottingham Building Society has been able to identify and assign ownership for over 90% of its information with DatAdvantage, moving on-going management responsibility to these owners and giving them the ability to easily maintain permissions for their areas with DataPrivilege. The combined power of the two products has meant...

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Secureworks has published the findings of a research report which analysed more than a thousand...
asks Karl Sigler, Threat Intelligence Manager, Trustwave.
Malware, insecure networks, and remote access top list of concerns as organisations embracing home...
According to The State of Cloud Security 2020, a global survey from next-generation cybersecurity...
Fortinet has published the findings of its latest Global Threat Landscape Report. The...
Nutanix has published the healthcare industry findings of its second annual Enterprise Cloud Index...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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