Four out of five businesses (80%) have little or no visibility of data movement

But 64% of British business professionals admit managed file transfers are "vital" to data security, with the majority taking collective responsibility and just 3% blaming IT.

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Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung für den „Informationsmotor Analytics“: Über Smartphone und Co. Nutzer eindeutig identifizieren - Big Data-Infrastrukturen tokenlos absichern Autorin: Julia Manderbach, freie Journalisti Zettabyte – diese Datenmenge überschritt das globale digitale Universum erstmals im Jahre 2010, laut der IDC-Studie "Extracting value from Chaos". Die Sammlung, Verarbeitung und Analyse dieser enormen Datenmengen wird in der IT-Welt unter dem Phänomen „Big Data“ zusammengefasst. Um diese Informationsmasse handhaben zu können, bedarf es riesiger Infrastrukturen. Bedenkt man den Wert der Daten, die dort kursieren,...

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Mobile Applikationen: das Sorgenkind der Unternehmens-IT

Fünf Monate dauert es im Schnitt, bis ein Unternehmen seine mobilen Applikationen auf neue Software-Versionen mobiler Endgeräte angepasst hat. So lautet das niederschmetternde Ergebnis einer von Vanson Bourne durchgeführten Untersuchung.

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Cloud security turns off 92% of IT decision makers

The fear of security threats is preventing 92% of IT decision makers from adopting the cloud, according to an infographic released today by global web hosting company PEER 1 Hosting. The infographic, based on the results of a survey of 120 IT professionals, revealed a number of concerns when weighing up the cost of the cloud.

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A radical shift in security needs

By Ian Kilpatrick, chairman Wick Hill Group, specialists in secure infrastructure solutions.

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Response and recovery have significant impact on 58% of targeted businesses.
McAfee Enterprise has introduced MVISION Private Access, an integrated approach to enable granular...
New report underscores the importance of layered security as zero day malware variants, JavaScript...
CrowdStrike announces acquisition of SecureCircle to enable customers to gain visibility and...
Leader in security operations solutions continues industry-first innovations with a new platform...
Study also reveals security professionals overwhelmingly view insider threats as a dangerous...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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