Automatic email encryption

SendGrid has announced the launch of SendGrid Transport Layer Security (TLS) Encryption. With this feature, SendGrid now proactively negotiates an encrypted connection with email service providers (ESPs) and ensures that email messages cannot be intercepted, collected or modified in transit.

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Barracuda promotes Kristof Vanderstraeten as new sales director of cloud security in EMEA

Barracuda Networks, Inc. has announced that Kristof Vanderstraeten has been named the new sales director of cloud security in EMEA. This new role is focused on development and further growth in Barracuda’s public cloud business. In his new role, Vanderstraeten will work closely with high volume cloud service providers to implement the Barracuda security offering into their public cloud offerings.

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Cavium introduces ThunderX

Cavium, Inc. has announced the introduction of a new ‘game changing’ category of processors that are workload optimized for a range of applications in the cloud and data center. The 2.5GHz 48 core ThunderX is the world’s highest performing low-power 64-bit ARMv8 SoC family of workload optimized processors with a range of SKUs and form factors for high performance volume compute, storage, secure compute and networking specific workloads.

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Deduplizierungsappliances reanimieren Backup-Infrastruktur des Bezirksklinikums Mainkofen

Eine Disk-Backup Lösung mit zwei Quantum DXi-Deduplizierungsappliances modernisierte den Backup-to-Tape-Prozess im Bezirksklinikum Mainkofen. Die Tape Libraries wurden den Ansprüchen an die Datensicherung eines Krankenhauses mit steigendem Datenwachstum nicht mehr gerecht: Das Voll-Backup reichte regelmäßig in den Produktivbetrieb hinein und bremste das Krankenhausinformationssystem aus. Seit Inbetriebnahme der DXi-Appliances konnte die Backupzeit um bis zu 60 Prozent...

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LogRhythm kommentiert: Spotify bestätigt unautorisierten Zugriff auf IT-Systeme

Der Musik-Streamingdienst Spotify hat bestätigt, Opfer einer Cyberattacke geworden zu sein. Auf seiner Website berichtet das Unternehmen, dass es einige unautorisierte Zugriffe auf seine Systeme und internen Firmendaten aufgespürt hat

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24% of top 100 UK retailers have not optimised for mobile

Skava has announced the results of its annual 'UK Retailer Mobile Optimisation' report. The report indicates that despite the surge in mobile traffic, which now accounts for nearly 20% of all e-commerce traffic, a quarter of the top 100 UK retailers have yet to optimise their e-commerce websites for mobile devices. Although, this is a 26% increase on the 50% of UK retailers who had optimised for mobile by March 2013, UK retailers still lag behind the US, where 100% of the top US...

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End users incorrectly answered one in four questions about phishing, underscoring the need for...
Efficient and highly available appliance is a ready-to-use cyber protection solution that...
Collaborative information sharing developed by ETHOS to help entire Operational Technology (OT)...
CISOs are motivated by being the ‘business bodyguard’ despite growing pressures on the job, new...
A new online platform designed to significantly reduce the administrative burden of GDPR and aid...
BlackBerry Limited has released its annual 2020 Threat Report, which examines the latest...
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Case Study: @nifty Delivering IT Security to Their Customers with Kaspersky

NIFTY Corporation is one of the leading Telecoms and Internet Service Providers in Japan, supplying high-speed broadband connectivity to more than 1.39 million broadband users. Providing robust security for the many subscribers to its online services is very important because repeated security breaches or loss of service may result in customers suffering damage or losses - and ultimately leaving NIFTY and moving to competitors' services.

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