Node4 N4Protect DDoS service launches

Industry-leading DDoS protection in one service, without upfront investment.

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It only takes one hour to detect APTs on network, apparently

Survey reveals unmanaged credentials are the biggest security issue for organisations and IT professionals are unrealistic about time it takes to identify threats.

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UK organisations have the second highest rate of ‘Dark’ Data in EMEA

Giant ‘Databerg’ of trivial and obsolete data estimated to cost European businesses ?576bn annually by 2020.

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Intel Security unveils new strategy

Focus on integrated, open security systems with cloud-first technology empowers organisations to resolve more threats, faster, with fewer resources.

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76% of IT decision makers would move their data as a result of privacy concerns

Data privacy fear are forcing businesses away from the UK and US towards more independent data safe-havens.

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Security intelligence tracks “canary in the coal mine” to reduce risk of data loss

Skyhigh Networks has released the next edition of its quarterly Cloud Adoption and Risk Report. The Q4 2015 report, derived from analysis of actual cloud usage across over 23 million employees, uncovers how user behaviours put companies at risk and how catching and managing this behaviour can be the proverbial “canary in the coal mine” in reducing the risk of data loss.

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Phishing attacks are regarded as the greatest cyber threat.
Human Layer Security company Tessian introduces the Human Layer Risk Hub - a solution that offers...
Majority of business leaders view ransomware as top concern as demands increase, accelerating cyber...
Security teams must rethink processes to aid innovation and customer experience.
UK's leading free credit score and credit marketplace protects customer data from account takeover...
SailPoint Technologies Holdings and Okta have formed a strategic partnership to provide...
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Case Study: @nifty Delivering IT Security to Their Customers with Kaspersky

NIFTY Corporation is one of the leading Telecoms and Internet Service Providers in Japan, supplying high-speed broadband connectivity to more than 1.39 million broadband users. Providing robust security for the many subscribers to its online services is very important because repeated security breaches or loss of service may result in customers suffering damage or losses - and ultimately leaving NIFTY and moving to competitors' services.

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