UK public fears advance of internet-enabled devices amid security concerns

UK consumers fear that technology is overtaking their lives, with many increasingly concerned about the pace of change they face, according to the latest KPMG survey. Results also highlight discomfort with the greater surveillance of everyday life and a cynicism about the need for connected devices.

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QLogic joins OpenPOWER Foundation

QLogic Corp. has joined the OpenPOWER Foundation, an open development community based on the POWER microprocessor architecture.

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Keep your data in the Cloud and your Business on the home ground

Cloud platforms allow secure access to data from anywhere in the world, but can the location of the platform affect your data security?

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SIAM: should you be outsourcing it?

In their recent white paper on Service Integration and Management (SIAM), Coeus Consulting examine the increasing trend in outsourcing this function and the problems that arise as a result. A growing number of organisations choose to outsource SIAM and this can have a negative impact on IT management. Ben Barry, director of Coeus Consulting, explains more.

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Research focus aligns to key technology goals within Spain and the European Commission, such as...
Atempo Tina software and Quantum servers and storage combine to offer comprehensive data protection...
Atos has unveiled its new exascale-class supercomputer, the BullSequana XH3000, a hybrid computing...
StorMagic SvHCI saves customers up to 62% over VMware.
Supermicro Computer's 2U Ultra-E short-depth is the latest update to Supermicro’s growing NEBS...
Cerabyte, the pioneering leader in ceramic-based data storage technology, has been awarded a highly...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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