FalconStor kündigt erweitertes PartnerChoice-Programm an

Neues Two-Tier-Partnerprogramm bietet Lösungs- und Serviceanbietern und Technologiepartnern größere Anreize und mehr Unterstützung

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Datenleck bei Großbank – Kunden, Unternehmen und Regierung müssen aus dem Vorfall lernen

Am vergangenen Wochenende berichtete die britische Zeitung ‚The Mail on Sunday‘ unter Berufung auf einen anonymen Informanten, dass die Personen- und Finanzdaten von bis zu 27.000 Kunden der Großbank Barclays gestohlen wurden

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Red Hat und Hortonworks verstärken strategische Zusammenarbeit

Die beiden Open-Source-Spezialisten Red Hat und Hortonworks bringen Apache Hadoop in die Open Hybrid Cloud

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Silver Peak enables high performance VMware vCloud Hybrid Service

Silver Peak has collaborated with VMware to offer its virtual WAN optimisation software to support deployments on VMware vCloud Hybrid Service. Silver Peak accelerates data transfers to the cloud and provides an on-going LAN-like experience for cloud-hosted applications, enabling VMware vCloud Hybrid Service users to more quickly and easily transition to a public cloud or hybrid cloud environment.

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Kleine Lösung für große Daten: File Transfer in IBM Notes integrieren

treeConsult präsentiert neues Interface – Einheitliche Oberfläche für E-Mail und die Übertragung großer Dateien

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Global technology provider Arrow Electronics has added Pure as-a-Service™ and Pure Cloud Block...
Leading file system for video post-production and streaming applications now deploys in minutes on...
Dedicated resources and rewards enable MSPs to deliver more complete solutions, increase...
90% of sustainability program directors say companies cannot reach sustainability goals without...
New enhancements are designed to help NetApp’s partner ecosystem capitalize on market changes...
SCHAEFER GmbH, a global leader providing premium quality elevator components, is pleased with the...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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