Stiftung Warentest: “Acronis sichert am besten“[1]- Aktueller Test von zehn Backup-Programmen kürt True Image 2013 by Acronis Plus zum Testsieger

Mit True Image 2013 by Acronis Plus klappt die Datensicherung am besten. Das ist das zentrale Ergebnis des gerade veröffentlichten Vergleichstests in der Zeitschrift „test“ der Stiftung Warentest. Die unabhängige und objektive Testinstitution für Produkte und Dienstleistungen in Deutschland hat für ihre November-Ausgabe zehn Backup-Programme und zwei ins Betriebssystem integrierte Sicherheitslösungen getestet. Dabei wurde True Image 2013 by Acronis...

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Mainframe to Hadoop no longer a bridge too far

Syncsort and Cloudera to discuss mainframe Big Data at Strata; joined by Spotify and Splunk to talk open-source collaboration at Hadoop Users Group.

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Nexenta erweitert sein Führungsteam mit der Ernennung eines Chief Operating Officer

Nexenta, der führende Anbieter von Software-Defined-Storage-Lösungen (SDS), hat Phil Underwood zum Chief Operating Officer ernannt. Underwood wechselt zu Nexenta, nachdem er sieben Jahre bei Wyse Technology tätig war, wo er den gleichen Posten bekleidete

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Red Hat-led European Union cloud computing project releases initial prototype

After three years of hard work, Red Hat is pleased to celebrate the release of the Cloud-TM (Transactional Memory) Platform prototype. This marks the final milestone in one of the European Union’s largest cloud computing research projects, within which Red Hat has played a leadership role. The Cloud-TM project was initiated by the European Commission just over three years ago with the aim of defining both a standard and an appropriate development model for users of large-scale data...

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HP extends NonStop technology to x86 server architecture

HP has announced plans to extend its mission-critical HP NonStop technology to x86 server architecture, providing the 24/7 availability required in an always-on, globally connected world, and increasing customer choice.

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InMage debuts Unified Backup/Disaster Recovery appliance

InMage Systems® will debut the newly launched 4000 Series, a backup and disaster recovery appliance designed to satisfy the needs of a wide range of customers, from SMB, to Enterprises and their next generation of ScoutCloud which addresses the growing market for cloud-based disaster recovery at Cloud Expo, Santa Clara Convention Center from November 4th to 7th in Booth #516.

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WekaIO, innovator in high-performance, scalable file storage for data-intensive applications, and...
NEC HCI, powered by Scale Computing, is designed to provide operational simplicity through highly...
All-flash file and object software delivers hot-to-cold data solution in tandem with Quantum...
The latest 10.10 version of NAKIVO Backup & Replication is now available for download with an...
NatWest is using Fujitsu’s quantum-inspired Digital Annealer to solve highly complex financial...
rediCloud adds to a growing global list of service providers adopting Cloudian’s HyperStore...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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