L.K. Bennett selects Asigra Cloud Backup

L.K. Bennett has selected the Asigra Cloud Backup™ Connector Appliance after using a tape-based backup solution for years. The company made the change after it began suffering from backup cycles that exceeded available backup windows as well as failed backups and restores.

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Acronis® vmProtect™ 9 is the ‘most complete’ backup solution for smaller VMware® environments

Acronis has announced the launch of Acronis® vmProtectTM 9, the most efficient and easy-to-use VMware vSphere backup solution for small and medium business customers and remote branch offices of large enterprises. With added support for Microsoft SQL Server®, Microsoft SharePoint® and Microsoft Active Directory®, vmProtect remains the only solution capable ofrecovering data at different levels: hypervisor, virtual machine (VM) and application.

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Wie Big Data das Geschäft ankurbeln kann

Zwischen 2015 und 2017 wird Big Data laut Gartner zu etwas ganz Normalem geworden sein. Im Moment handelt es sich aber noch hauptsächlich um ein Modewort das von einem großen Hype begleitet wird. Von Andreas von Lowtzow, Channel Sales Manager DACH, Virtual Instruments.

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adesso wird Gold-Partner von hybris

Der IT-Dienstleister adesso AG ist Gold-Partner des SAP-Unternehmens und weltweit schnellst wachsenden Anbieters für E-Commerce-Technologie hybris

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WatchGuard XCS 880 increases content security performance by 20 percent

New hardware doubles email throughput while reducing power consumption by more than half.

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New features and enhancements include Veeam Backup & Replication v11a, cloud-native capabilities...
Streamlines access to solutions that address customer needs today, and in the future.
Increased performance provides energy efficiency, cybersecurity readiness and becomes IT’s crown...
Enables Toshiba Memory’s industry first in-form factor NVMe-oF Ethernet SSD and unveils next...
Infinidat has expanded its strategic collaboration with Veeam® and Kasten by Veeam. Infinidat’s...
Eviden, the Atos business leading in advanced computing, and the University of Edinburgh have...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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