Ovum reveals Global OC market sales to hit historic peak of US$10bn in 2018

Ovum expects the optical components (OC) market to grow 4 percent in 2013 driven by WAN and datacom demand. Between 2012 and 2018, the global analyst firm predicts that the total OC market will expand at an 8 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) to a new high of US$10.5bn, again driven by increasing optics demand in the datacom and WAN segments.

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GlassHouse joins North Bridge Venture Partners, GigaOM Research and industry collaborators to unveil results of 2013 Future of Cloud Computing Survey

GlassHouse has announced its role as a collaborator in releasing the results of the third annual Future of Cloud Computing Survey, conducted by North Bridge Venture Partners, GigaOM Research and supported by 56 other collaborating organisations.

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Moorfields Hospital invests in Workspace Virtualisation

Moorfields Eye Hospital is working with Workspace Virtualisation specialist RES Software to significantly improve IT service delivery across the hospital’s central London campus.

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Emulex launches Endace Fusion Ecosystem Programme

Emulex Corporation has announced the Endace Fusion Ecosystem™ programme, which is designed to provide a simple framework for partners to interoperate and integrate with the Emulex line of Endace products, starting with the EndaceProbe™ Intelligent Network Recorder (INR). Initial partners in the Fusion Ecosystem programme include Compuware, SevOne, and Velocimetrics.

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Infortrend und Emulex präsentieren Lösung für 16G Fibre-Channel Storage-Umgebungen - Infortrends 16G Fibre-Channel Storage-Systeme optimiert für den Einsatz mit Emulex 16G FC-HBAs

Infortrend und Emulex geben bekannt, dass die 16G Fibre-Channel (FC) "RAID-Storage"-Produkte von Infortrend und die LightPulse® 16G FC-Host-Bus-Adapter (HBA) von Emulex vollständig kompatibel zueinander sind. Anwender können so die Vorteile der Bandbreite und Geschwindigkeit von 16G Fibre-Channel Infrastrukturen in vollem Umfang ausnutzen

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Yamaha Motor France setzt auf Deduplizierungs-Expertise von Quantum - DXi4601 Deduplizierungsappliance sorgt für mehr Datensicherheit und Flexibilität in französischer Vertriebsniederlassung

Yamaha Motor France setzt auf die Datendeduplizierungs-Technologie von Quantum, um die Speicherdauer seiner Backups zu verlängern und die Flexibilität zu erhöhen. Die Quantum-Technologie wird in Partnerschaft mit APX Intégration angeboten, dem französischen Spezialisten für Infrastrukturintegration im IT-Bereich

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Updated solution adds integrated user activity monitoring, new analytic capabilities, and discovery...
Number of AMD-based supercomputers on the latest Top500 list grows 39% year-over-year to 140; AMD...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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