Object storage for UCL

University College London (UCL), ranked consistently as a top-five university worldwide, has selected DataDirect Networks (DDN) to provide up to 3,000 researchers with a safe and resilient storage solution for sharing, reusing and preserving project-based research data.

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Neues Analysetool für Big Data von Juniper Networks ermöglicht intelligente Netzwerklösungen und informationsgestützte Unternehmensentscheidungen Junos Network Analytics ermöglicht Service Providern, Kosten zu reduzieren und U

Juniper Networks, der Branchenführer für Innovationen im Bereich der Netzwerktechnik, stellt Junos® Network Analytics vor. Die Suite umfasst die Produkte BizReflex und NetReflex zur Analyse von intelligenten Netzwerken und Big Data. BizReflex und NetReflex wurden von Guavus entwickelt, einem der führenden Anbieter von Analyselösungen für große Datenmengen

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Easynet-Umfrage: Unternehmensnetze arbeiten am Anschlag

In einer internationalen Umfrage, die Easynet und Ipanema in Auftrag gegeben haben, wurden 650 IT-Verantwortliche in sechs Ländern nach Problemen in Unternehmensnetzen befragt. Die Antworten zeigen, dass IT-Budgets mit den steigenden Anforderungen nicht Schritt halten, so dass die Netze häufig an der Kapazitätsgrenze operieren. 

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Skyera adds NAS to skyHawk

Skyera Inc. has added NAS to the company’s skyHawk series of solid-state storage systems. With SAN and NAS connectivity, the company’s unified storage vision is complete. The skyHawk series of enterprise solid-state storage systems are based entirely on latest generation Multi Level Cell (MLC) NAND Flash in a compact half-depth 1u form factor with a staggering 44 terabytes of high performance, low latency native usable capacity for the most demanding Big Data, analytics and...

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Zadara increases European availability of advanced Storage-as-a-Service platform via...
French animation studio uses Red Hat for agile and cost-effective storage, removes technology...
Highly scalable system increases capacity by 35 per cent for smarter and faster weather services.
Datto kicked off DattoCon19 in Paris with a message of support and investment for the developing...
Companies in these regions able to provision fully managed, enterprise-scale file system in the...
Spectra Logic has announced the transformation and expansion of its entire product portfolio with...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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