Many financial institutions deal with the data deluge by buying increasing amounts of primary storage. While this approach keeps data close at hand, it is excessively expensive and makes it difficult to find specific data - similar to looking for a needle in a haystack. By Luc Gheysens, vice president and general manager, Imation, Europe.
Read MoreThere is no doubt that data management has gone through an evolutionary process, starting with a focus on straight forward backup and recovery in the 1990’s and then moving to integrated protection solutions in the 2000s. However the impact of Big Data and the move to adopt a more mobile way of working again requires a radical new approach. By Nigel Tozer, Business Development Director, EMEA, CommVault.
Read MoreCloud storage is starting to become accepted as a normal part of an enterprise IT architecture, according to research published by Avere Systems. By Rebecca Thompson, VP of Marketing, Avere Systems.
Read MoreBy Alex McDonald, SNIA’s Cloud Storage Initiative Chair, NetApp.
Read MoreScale-out is a new category of storage architecture that challenges the limitations associated with traditional SAN and NAS systems. The aim of scale-out storage is to provide service predictability allowing the user to grow storage resources in-line with data center demands as business needs change over time. Scale-out storage systems must therefore be able to expand but still maintain functionality and performance as they grow. By Gurdip Kalley, Head of Business Development at Solid State...
Read MoreBy Mike McNamara, FCIA member, NetApp.
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