Rapid recovery at scale

Pure FlashRecover, Powered by Cohesity, is said to be the industry’s first jointly-engineered all-flash modern data protection solution for rapid recovery, ransomware protection, and reuse of data.

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Digitalisation World talks to Peer Software, about PeerGFS™ (Global File Service) software solution

Digitalisation World talks to Claus Schroeder, Managing Director of Peer Software GmbH, about the company’s PeerGFS™ (Global File Service) software solution. Topics covered include file management for the edge, data centre synchronisation, cloud backup and replication and data migration, with some great examples as to how customers are deploying Peer Software’s technology.

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Cloud computing as the catalyst for an organisation’s digital transformation journey

Digitalisation World talks digital transformation with Sam Broadhurst, Fujitsu UK’s Cloud and Managed Service Provider Account Manager. The conversation covers the ‘power of data’, the Pay As You Go cloud computing model, and takes a look at the new normal, as Fujitsu itself plans major work practice changes in Japan.

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Fibre Channel-NVMe-2 Standard is published

The Fibre Channel Industry Association (FCIA) says that the International Committee on Information Technology Standards (INCITS) has published the FC-NVMe-2 standard developed by the T11 Technical Committee. FC-NVMe-2 enhancements include Sequence Level Error Recovery (SLER), significantly increasing the speed at which bit errors are detected and recovered during data transmission.

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Improving backup and restore system performance

Quantum Corp. has introduced new software with advanced features and capabilities for DXi backup appliances to significantly improve backup and restore system performance, as well as monitor systems remotely utilizing cloud-based analytics.

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Investment aims to add up to 290 new jobs and fund R&D projects for next generation AI, Data...
Annual survey shines a spotlight on global misconceptions around the extent of hybrid cloud blind...
Researchers from across the University of Exeter are benefitting from a new High Performance...
High-speed I/O, genderless backplane cables, mezzanine board-to-board connectors and near-ASIC...
Leading TPM Provider selected to provide complete onsite maintenance solution for Intel Server...
AMD and IMSCAD collaborate to simplify Design Engineering migration to virtualization in...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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