ZTE SDN/NFV Joint Open Lab has successfully completed interconnection tests with partners including ARM, Centec Networks, Accton and Hillstone.
Read MoreCombined solution provides flexibility, reliability and mission-critical capabilities; removes the need for enterprise storage.
Read MoreReplaces failed storage system at Missouri School District.
Read MoreOpen source management platform provides integrated management across health insurance provider's heterogeneous datacenter resources.
Read MoreManaged Services is now a mature business sector, although by its nature, it will continue to evolve, attract new entrants, stimulate innovations and grow as it takes over from the traditional IT industry. Further changes in the industry are required though, especially in sales approach and the way it addresses and engages with customers if it is to achieve its full potential. These were some of the conclusions from a very successful Managed Services and Hosting Summit held in London on 17...
Read MoreProtecting critical information is a growing concern in the modern age of mobile business. With the rise of the mobile workforce, organisations have to rethink how they approach data protection: workers today tend to use a combination of corporate and own devices, meaning that business and personal data are more and more difficult to separate for management purposes, including protection and other policies. As a result companies’ data integrity is at risk. So how can organisations meet their...
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