Italtel and Exprivia partner

Agreement follows ten years of collaboration and forms a joint bid for telecom infrastructure, OSS monitoring systems and IT solutions for service providers and enterprises, with first commercial results already acquired through a number of IT contracts.

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“Transform to Better Perform” initiative focuses on data centres and the Cloud

The Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network, a Silicon Valley based organisation representing enterprise leaders, has launched a major campaign to explore business imperatives and IT trends reshaping the future of data centres and evolving hybrid IT models. The wide-reaching initiative will embrace multiple global partners, communities and stakeholder groups to develop insights and discussions in identifying a new emerging model for agile, business-responsive IT delivery and...

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Enterprises are reducing their carbon footprint and IT investments via virtualization solutions

The turbulent global economic scenario has compelled enterprises to reduce their operational costs, which in turn is increasing the demand for virtualization solutions, finds a report by Kable.

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Virtual success for German Army

The German Army needs the ability to take military-grade, highly available storage with them anywhere that field units go, in order to enable the operations and communications it needs to execute its missions. The Army purchased and deployed SvSAN, the solution it has said was the only one in the market that fits their needs, to accomplish this. Results since implementation have been outstanding.

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Wasabi Technologies, the hot cloud storage company, and Retelit, Italy's leading B2B technology...
Clutch’s 2015 survey indicates room for growth in small business cloud storage adoption,...
Alibaba, Argonne, AT&T, Google Cloud, Microsoft, SiPearl and others showcase power of open...
Super Micro Computer has introduced new SAP HANA® servers certified by SAP for VMware HCI. With...
Jump Trading Group has selected VAST’s highly performant, low-latency Universal Storage as the...
Mount Graham Regional Medical Center (MGRMC), Arizona, has appointed leading healthcare data...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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