Liquidware Labs and Innov8 partner 

Bringing VDI solutions to the UK healthcare market.

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IBM 'redefines' storage economics

IBM has unveiled IBM Spectrum Storage, a new storage software portfolio designed to address data storage inefficiencies by changing the economics of storage with a layer of intelligent software. IBM’s new storage software creates an efficient “data footprint” that dynamically stores every bit of data at the optimal cost, helping maximize performance and security.

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Flash Storage Platform promises much for primary storage

Solutions built on Concerto OS 7 with inline de-duplication engine deliver all-flash storage system at a cost lower than disk.

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Xtravirt launches SONAR Reporting-as-a-Service for virtual infrastructure

Xtravirt has launched SONAR, said to be the industry’s first Reporting-as-a-Service (RaaS) solution that enables IT teams to automate routine assessment of their virtual infrastructure in minutes and have access to industry best practice guidance on system remediation. The first SONAR service being released by Xtravirt will provide health assessment and configuration management reporting for environments running VMware vSphere.

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A challenging time for Flash?

Nimble Storage is calling on enterprise storage buyers to take the Adaptive Flash Challenge – an invitation to any IT organisation currently evaluating all-flash storage to experience the performance of the Nimble Adaptive Flash platform. By including Nimble in side-by-side evaluations, enterprises will quickly realise that the Nimble Adaptive Flash platform not only meets or exceeds performance requirements for enterprise-wide workloads, but also offers capacity that scales well beyond...

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IT consultancy expands service offering with acquisition

One of Wales’ leading IT consultancies has acquired an experienced Sage solutions provider, extending its software services available to clients to cover the full spectrum of IT support, as well as its geographical reach.

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Rubrik and NetApp SnapDiff integration delivers dramatic performance gains and autonomous,...
Pure Storage has introduced Purity//FB 3.0 for FlashBladeTM, the next generation of what is said to...
New survey reveals that enterprises are rapidly transitioning to a variety of Flash-based storage...
Managed service providers (MSPs) are increasing their spending by as much as 70% to meet growing...
Atos announces an agreement with the Science and Technology Facilities Council’s (STFC) Hartree...
Spectra® TFinity® library said to become the world’s largest tape storage system as it breaks...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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