N-able by SolarWinds releases Backup Manager UDP

N-able by SolarWinds has announced Backup Manager – Arcserve® UDP, a robust new addition to its lineup of backup offerings for managed service provider (MSP) partners worldwide.

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SUSE reduces capital expenditures for servers by 80 percent

Enterprise customers migrating away from proprietary UNIX systems and standardising on x86 servers running SUSE Linux Enterprise save millions of dollars in servers, maintenance and time.

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Mobility spurs major changes in enterprise governance strategies

Enterprise mobility and the proliferation of endpoints are driving profound changes in how organisations handle information governance, according to a Forrester Consulting survey commissioned by Druva. Companies are planning significant increases in governance-related spending, accelerated centralisation of governance programs, greater inclusion of endpoint content in eDiscoverydata collection initiatives, and others measures designed to address concerns over both the volume and the...

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Violin launches automated Oracle Performance Analysis Service

Violin Memory®, Inc. has announced the worldwide availability of its Oracle Performance Analysis Service (O-PAS™). This innovative and unique tool helps IT professionals remove the complexity of reporting, analysing and decision-making around Oracle databases to help dramatically lower the costs of their Oracle deployments while increasing Oracle database and associated application performance.

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PernixData FVP Software certified as VCE Vblock Ready

PernixData says that PernixData FVP™ software is now certified as a Vblock Ready solution through the VCE Technology Alliance Partner (TAP) programme. The TAP programme is designed for independent software vendors, hardware manufacturers, virtual appliance vendors and other technology providers looking to simplify and accelerate their solutions for deployment with VCE Vblock Systems.  

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£1.2 billion investment confirmed for state-of-the-art supercomputer to improve severe weather and...
Complete cloud repository data security enables customers to securely leverage the cloud for...
IT Resilience Platform addresses digital transformation challenges by transforming the way backup...
Overwhelming majority of IT decision makers believe expansion and automation of DataOps will...
Account holders have experienced IT outages in the last five months, new research reveals.
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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