ManageEngine survey reveals ITSM migration, adoption activity

20 per cent of IT help desks are found outside of the IT department.

ManageEngine has revealed the results of its inaugural IT service management (ITSM) survey of organisations using help desk software to raise operational efficiencies and service levels. Survey highlights include the high number (47 per cent) of first-time IT help desk software implementations as well as the number (20 per cent) of IT help desk software implementations that reach beyond the IT department. The complete survey results infographic is available at

“One of the survey’s more striking findings is just how many organisations are adopting IT help desk software for the first time, especially considering the relative maturity of the help desk market,” said Umashankar Narayanaswamy, director of engineering at ManageEngine. “There’s still a lot of unmet demand from people who want to run a tighter help desk. But they want the right solution, too, and that usually boils down to the right mix of features, usability and cost. As more vendors home in on that right mix, the ranks of help desk users will continue to grow at a healthy pace.”

The ManageEngine ITSM survey was conducted among organisations that deployed the company’s IT help desk software, ServiceDesk Plus Standard Edition, in the last 12 months. Originally designed to study the impact of the Standard Edition in the organisations’ help desk operations, the survey ultimately offers insights into the help desk market as a whole. Results of those surveyed include:
47 per cent implemented a help desk software solution for the first time ever
39 per cent implemented a knowledge base for the first time ever
20 per cent use help desk software beyond IT in other departments such as HR, travel, and maintenance and facilities
98 per cent improved help desk productivity and attained incident management maturity
95 per cent saw a significant increase in end-user satisfaction levels
71 per cent were able to measure performance by identifying and tracking key metrics

Survey Reflects 10 Years of Refinement
The ITSM survey reflects ManageEngine’s 10 successful years in the ITSM space and the first anniversary of its free help desk offering, ServiceDesk Plus Standard Edition. Entering a market dominated by the Big 4 in 2005, ServiceDesk Plus presented itself as an alternative to complex and costly ITSM implementations. Over the last ten years, ServiceDesk Plus has established itself as a leader in the ITSM market and has been the IT help desk system of choice for over 100,000 organisations across all verticals in 186 countries.

“ServiceDesk Plus has been a great decision both functionally and financially,” said James Arnold, service desk manager at Manhattan Associates, an Atlanta-based, best-in-class global solutions provider for supply chain commerce leaders. ?“It was quick, easy to deploy, scalable and provided global visibility with all the processes designed to be ‘as global as possible’ — a good fit for a global organisation such as ours.” 

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