Developer-centric tool enables teams to predict and control cloud costs

Appvia creates tool that enables engineering teams and businesses to instantly understand cloud costs and requirements and then choose the best deal.

  • 4 years ago Posted in
Appvia, a secure multi-cloud delivery platform that enables development teams to build and deploy containerised applications at scale, has launched its Cost Prediction and Visibility tool, integrated within the latest version of its Kore platform. 


The first of its kind new tool gives cloud cost visibility at the planning and provisioning stage, as well as providing on-going visibility of actual costs incurred by a teams’ infrastructure and identifying cost efficiencies. This can stop the cost of a project from spiralling in early stage development, bring down the total cost of a project, and embed a cost-first development approach  - allowing the team to budget and right-size infrastructure from the beginning.


Appvia created the tool in response to the inordinate amount of time it can take for a developer to identify the most competitive cloud solution for their project. By enabling different solutions to be instantly compared, Appvia predicts that the average business will save 20%-60% in cloud infrastructure costs and around two days of time provisioning. 


Engineering teams are also able to see cost implications across different cloud providers and reusable cloud templates (plans), and immediately see how altering node pool sizes and instances would change these costs. It also gives visibility over cloud consumption by the team or project - rather than just one single cost at the end of the month. 


Appvia is the first company to approach this with a developer-centric solution, embedded into Appvia’s self-service multi-cloud developer platform which automates Kubernetes setup for teams. 


Jonathan Shanks, CEO and co-Founder of Appvia, said: “The cloud has allowed businesses to innovate, develop and deploy on a scale that was unimaginable several years ago, but understanding what impact that might have on your bottom line has proved challenging. There’s so many factors to consider, that it could take days to draw up an accurate assessment of what a project might actually cost when everything is up and running. 

“Developers have traditionally been out of the loop when it comes to the financials of a project, but they’re the ones with the skills and understanding of the build to be able to assess where costs can be saved - empowering them to make these decisions will bring benefits across your business and operations.”

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