N2S to open three new sites to support continued growth

ITAD firm doubles turnover and looks to double headcount in next 12 months.

N2S, a fast growing IT Asset Disposal (ITAD) and technology lifecycle management company, is carrying out further expansion with new sites in Reading and Mansfield as well as extending its Bury St Edmunds facility.  

The new Reading site of approximately 13,500 sq ft, opening in mid-October, will be a centre of excellence for the refurbishment and resale of pre-used IT equipment including servers, PCs, laptops and mobiles, with an immediate staffing of 15 experienced technicians, sales personnel and administrators.  

Huthwaite near Mansfield will see N2S opening a 50,000 sq ft facility in early November. The company will transfer 20 staff from the current Mansfield distribution centre operation and up to another 30 by Easter 2022. The additional site will be a recycling and recovery facility for IT and telecoms equipment.  

N2S is also expanding its Suffolk-based facility by 10,000 sq ft to cope with the increase in volume.  

“E-waste continues to be a growing challenge. Our aim is to increase the overall recovery rates in the UK market which have been going backwards in the last few years,” said Andy Gomarsall MBE, Chairman of N2S. “Our new facilities will bring the extra capacity we need now and in the foreseeable future to support continued demand from customers for the recovery, refurbishment and resale of pre-existing IT products. Additionally, for processing equipment beyond repair prior to it undergoing N2S’ patented bioleaching refining and recycling process at our main facility in Bury St Edmunds.” 

He added: “Our turnover has doubled in the last year as we respond to the growing market opportunities for sustainably extending the life of IT equipment while also helping customers to effectively cut carbon emissions and achieve their environmental sustainability goals (ESGs) more quickly.” 

N2S recently announced a significant recruitment drive to fill more than 100 new job vacancies anticipated over the next 12 months. This has followed rapidly increasing demand from large UK businesses, government departments and local authorities for the company’s highly sustainable ITAD and technology lifecycle solutions.  

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