Mit Redundanz und Höchstleistung zur vollständigen Ausfallsicherheit von IT-Infrastrukturen von Swen Brüseke, Geschäftsführer proIO GmbH

Die Gewährleistung hoher Ausfallsicherheit der eigenen IT-Infrastrukturen bleibt für viele Unternehmen ein frommer Wunsch, der meist schon an den finanziellen Rahmenbedingungen scheitert. Schließlich setzt diese maximale Redundanz und hoch performante Hardware-Komponenten in mehrfacher Ausführung voraus, was wiederum sehr hohe Investitionen nach sich zieht. Viele Unternehmen vertrauen den Betrieb ihrer Infrastrukturen daher Drittdienstleistern an und greifen vor allem auf...

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Softcat cements HP expertise with Platinum Partner status

Softcat has achieved HP’s highest possible accreditation through an on-going concerted resource and training investment. The Platinum accreditation follows a year that has seen Softcat’s revenues leap to £400 million, with HP recognising Softcat for its sales delivery, awarding the reseller with its Enterprise Group Excellence Award for EMEA, and Gold Partner of the Year award for the second year running.

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Francisco Partners acquires Avangate

Francisco Partners, a global technology-focused private equity firm, has acquired Avangate, a leader in customer-centric commerce with over 3,000 customers across more than 100 countries. Avangate provides a complete commerce solution enabling Software, SaaS and Cloud Services companies to increase their online sales, manage subscription billing, grow their reseller and affiliate distribution networks and reach new global markets. The additional investment from the deal will enable Avangate to...

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UniRewards – the ‘high velocity’ EMEA Channel Programme

UniRewards set to drive growth across EMEA region with channel recruitment and ongoing engagement.

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A team of UK scientists are hoping to show how an advanced form of computer modelling could help...
NetApp has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Instaclustr, a leading platform provider of...
Cohesity has published the results of a global survey that validates a critical problem plaguing...
GPUaaS provides customers on-demand access to powerful accelerated resources for AI, machine...
Super Micro has announced the doubling of GPU capabilities with a new 4U server supporting eight...
TrendForce has issued its latest findings, indicating that the global SSD market has rectified its...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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