Proact delivers reliable media file storage system to Digita

Proact, the leading independent data centre integrator and cloud services provider in Europe, is providing Digita with a storage system dedicated to handling media files. Digita provides TV and radio services along with Internet services based on an extensive network infrastructure.

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DDN Object Storage usage grows to 200+ billion

DataDirect Networks has introduced the latest release of its advanced WOS® object storage platform. Coming off a year of 250 percent year-over-year revenue bookings growth and its vast object storage leadership with more than 225 billion objects managed by DDN WOS, DDN continues to fuel its object storage momentum with the announcement of its new WOS 360 v2.0 release.

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redIT expands Coriant edge-to-core solution

redIT has deployed the Coriant® 7100 Nano™ Packet Optical Transport Platform to enhance the resiliency and flexibility of KIO Networks' mission-critical service infrastructure. The 7100 Nano deployment builds upon a comprehensive Coriant networking solution which includes multiservice access and IP/MPLS edge router technologies. With industry-leading ROADM capabilities and support for scalable bandwidth services in a compact system design, the 7100 Nano solution enables redIT to...

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Leading computational scientist, Peter Coveney, keynotes at ISC Cloud & Big Data

ISC Events, the organizer of the inaugural ISC Cloud & Big Data conference is pleased to announce Professor Peter V. Coveney of University College London (UCL) as the conference keynoter. Prof Coveney will be talking about the current state-of-the-art in the development of personalized medicine on September 30.

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High capacity enterprise Cloud HDD

New drives combine 6TB with 7,200 RPM performance.

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DataCore has published the results of its sixth annual survey, designed to explore the impact of...
Proact has been entrusted with ATG’s investment in a new IT platform for their gambling...
Zerto has announced the availability of a series of major product updates, bringing its ransomware...
CTERA has released version 7.0 of its Enterprise File Services Platform, delivering ultra-fast...
Research conducted by Dimensional Research and Virtual Instruments indicates that most...
Intel has introduced its new 10th Gen Intel® Core™ vPro® processors, built to power the next...
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Technical Discussion: Encryption and Security at High Speed over Distance for IP Storage

Why do so many IP replication solutions lack encryption capabilities, and why is performance an issue when you need to encrypt data inflight? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of maintaining security while replicating data between data centers at high throughput, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally with IP Extension.

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