Tech Channel Ambassadors set to tackle IT skills gap

Ian Kilpatrick, former EVP of Nuvias and the driving force behind the newly established Tech Channel Ambassadors, explains the thinking behind the organisation – a new Community Interest Company (CIC) created to promote the channel IT industry, and to bolster inclusivity in the sector. Tech Channel Ambassadors aims to raise awareness of career opportunities across the IT channel to those in education, those returning to employment, and those looking to change career, including, but not limited to, career opportunities for girls, BAME, disabled, neurodiverse and disadvantaged groups.

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Expert Opinions

By Dave Swadling, Director of Customer Connection Development, Eclipse Power.
By Paul Scott, Chief Technical Officer at Matrix Booking.
Discover how remote monitoring and management (RMM) tools help MSPs improve client services and boost operational efficiency. By Pulseway.
By Karolis Toleikis, Chief Executive Officer at IPRoyal.